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Frequently Asked Questions

Can listeners submit questions to be answered on the show?

Yes! We love hearing from our listeners and welcome questions on any investing-related topic. You can submit your questions by using the contact form above. We'll do our best to answer as many questions as we can on future episodes.

Do you provide any additional resources or guides to help listeners better understand investing?

Absolutely! We want to make sure that our listeners have all the resources they need to build their investing knowledge, which is why we provide a detailed explanation with graphics in our blog. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any of our valuable insights and resources!

How can listeners support the podcast?

Listeners can support the podcast by subscribing to be notified of new episodes, listening on their favorite channels, and sharing the podcast with their friends and family on social media. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in helping us reach more people who can benefit from our financial education and discussions. Thank you for your support!

What makes your podcast different from other investing podcasts out there?

Our podcast stands out from other investing podcasts because we take a deep dive into the complex world of the stock market, something that is often overlooked in women-oriented podcasts that focus solely on budgeting and passive investing. We also tell you How to implement this knowledge into actual practice. Our in-house financial expert, Jess, brings her 15 years of experience and has a unique perspective on financial literacy. Jessie is here to make sure we're always speaking your language and asks the questions you want answered, even if it means bringing Jess back down to Earth from financial jargon land. We break down the complexities of investing and provide actionable insights that listeners can use to take their investing game to the next level.

Is this podcast just for women, or is it for anyone interested in investing?

It's for anyone! We strive to offer 'Her' perspective broadening all views. We believe that our podcast is valuable for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of the stock market. Our diverse perspectives help us tackle investing topics in a more thoughtful and comprehensive way.

Will you host any workshops or offer any live Q&A? 

We would love to! Send us an email using the above form and we would be happy to discuss a workshop with you!