Start your journey to financial independence - a state where your choices aren't dictated by financial constraints. It's the power to walk away from situations that no longer serve you, not because you have to, but because you can. It's the freedom to explore new avenues and embrace novel experiences. This journey begins with the cornerstone of financial literacy, leading you towards the ultimate destination: the freedom to choose a life that's authentically yours.
Check out our featured episode or browse through the latest episodes by category. Each episode contains "Episode Equity" which offers visuals perfectly paired with your listening adventure.
Meet the inspiring voices shaping the financial world: guests aligned with our values and mission to bridge the financial literacy gap. We will not just let anyone on our podcast. We care. Maybe too much.
We feature special guests who align with our mission to empower others with free financial literacy in the self-directed investing world. Contact us to see if you're a fit.
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